Monday, November 8, 2010

The Barn Owl Family--Birth and Release

Morning Everyone. We just got the Momma Barn Owls and her four babies. So again Thank you so much for your donations to help feed all the babies we have taken in. These little ones have momma to finish raising them. She and they are pretty scared. Here is a picture of them. To all of you Thanks for caring for wildlife.


Here are four of our Barn Owl babies I took a picture of tonight about 9:00 PM tonight.. They have grown a bunch in the last 10 days. They stayed huddled in a corner all day long and then walk around in their pen at night. They should be ready to go in a few weeks! Yay!

Today is Graduation Day for our Barn Owl Family. They are no longer little fuzz balls. I have been putting live mice in a pan for the last week for them to catch and eat. The pan is deep enough that the mice can't climb out. I put in some prairie grass to simulate a field. I will be contacting several of the farmers today that have old barns, and make arrangement to send these guys off to Barn College! I told them this morning "Your 18 now out of the house and get a job"!

Today we started to let the Barn Owls go free. We have been traveling to old barns and sheds ot use as release sites. It's fun to watch those big wings open up. Here is one of the females I am holding before I set her free.

--Ken Lockwood

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