Monday, November 8, 2010

New Foster Mom

Hi Everyone, Well the first day of spring held true to Eagle Valley as we got our first baby Owl. The wind and snow storm yesterday blew a baby out of a nest way up in a cottonwood near Park City. I am going to see if "Annie" our Barred Owl will take it as a foster. She did last year and raised 4 babies for me. This way they know they are an Owl when we let them go. Here is a picture of the baby next to "Annie's" eggs that she has been sitting on. Her eggs are not fertile, but she thinks they will hatch so I just let her sit on them, and when I get a baby like today, They magically hatch! Thanks for letting me share my story!
Ken Lockwood

Hi Everyone, Well it was love at first sight! Annie our Barred Owl has taken the baby Great Horned as one of her own! I sat with them for an hour to make sure she wouldn't reject or hurt the baby. Here is a picture of them bonding.
Ken Lockwood

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